




Study on the Precision Poverty Alleviation Model of Finance in


Li Shuangyong, Grade 2015, Major in Financial Management

Supervisor Liu Xinwen


The overall development of China"s economic development is deviated to a certain extent, and the economic focus is mainly on coastal cities. Therefore, similar to the inland provincial capital of Guangxi, the overall level of economic development can not keep up with the coastal cities. At the same time, China"s rapid development also roughly expands the wealth of the residential areas, making the gap between the rich and the poor widen. In order to change the gap between the rich and the poor, the local governments and the central governments of Guangxi have carried out precise poverty alleviation in rural areas in order to change this situation. However, due to the complex situation in rural areas, the various resource combinations are more complex. This makes the government face a variety of problems when implementing the poverty alleviation policy. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a multi-dimensional poverty alleviation policy in accordance with the complex environment in rural areas and work in a multi-pronged manner. It is also necessary to make effective use of all kinds of resources in rural areas and integrate them to promote farmers"initiative to become rich independently through financial guidance and small-scale poverty alleviation. In this paper, the various policies of poverty alleviation loans and related poverty alleviation models, as well as various measures are analyzed separately, and in view of the problems arising therein, the causes of the problems and related solutions are analyzed and discussed.

Key words:Guangxi,Finance,Precise poverty alleviation,Model


一绪论 (1)

(一)研究背景 (1)

(二)研究意义 (1)

二文献综述 (2)

三广西金融精准扶贫模式与现状 (3)

(一)广西金融精准扶贫模式 (3)

(二)“小额信贷”运作模式 (5)

(三)“政银企户保”运作模式 (5)

(四)“政银企户保”扶贫模式的成效 (7)

(一)小额信贷模式分析 (7)

(二)“扶贫开发与美丽乡村”产业引导基金投资模式分析 (11)

(三)“助微贷”模式分析 (12)

五广西金融精准扶贫所存在的问题 (12)

(一)政府方面存在的问题 (13)

(二)贫困户的问题 (15)

(三)金融机构的问题 (15)

六完善广西金融精准扶贫对策建议 (16)

(一)政府强化服务职能,加强引导作用 (16)

(二)贫困户纠正错误思想,强化信用意识 (17)

(三)金融机构增强主动意识,规范业务流程 (18)

七致谢 (19)

参考文献 (19)