


1.犇犇阅读下面文章,然后从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出每个问题的最佳 选项。

  When we see a person in trouble, the first idea that comes to our mind is to lend a hand. But

what if we see an animal in trouble, does the same rule apply? This question was raised after a group of penguins were saved from an icy gully (峡谷) in

Antarctica. It was filmed for the BBC wildlife series Dynasties. The film crew were anxious when

they saw that a group of penguins had fallen into a gully and been trapped with their young. They

) so that a few of the penguins could save themselves.斜坡built a slope ( The case has taken the international media by storm. Viewers watching this film let out a sigh

of relief. I'm so glad. I understand not taking action directly, but a helping hand isn't bothering,

right? viewer Kathryn Shaw said on her Facebook. However, others think human interference (干涉) is unnatural. You can't have sunshine

throughout your life. To have done anything else would only make matters worse, said the

show's creator David Attenborough, according to The Times. In this case, however, Mike Gunton, the executive producer of the series, said that this was a

one-off situation. There were no animals going to suffer by interfering. You weren't touching the

animals and it was just felt by doing this... they had the chance not to have to keep slipping down

the slope, he told the BBC. Such cases are familiar to Paul Nicklen, wildlife photographer for National Geographic. He told

Metro, If it's ever a predator (捕食者) situation, no matter how gut-wrenching, you stay out of

桴?慷敶?桷湥礠畯?敲眠瑡档湩慭敬瀠汯牡戠慥?慥慢祢戠慥? There's no rule book in those situations. You can only respond to the facts that are right there

in front of you, Will Lawson, the show's director, told Daily Mail. What has led to a heated media discussion? )(1 A.People's various remarks on penguins. B.The rescue of penguins from a gully. C.Some penguins' sufferings in a gully. .D.Ways of filming the series Dynasties Who holds a positive attitude towards human interference? )2( A.Kathryn Shaw. B.Will Lawson. C.Paul Nieklen. D.David Attenborough. Which of the following best explains the word gut-wrenching underlined in paragraph 6? )(3 A.Putting one in place. B.Making one confused. C.Putting one in danger. D.Making one heartbroken.

What can be a suitable title for the text? )(4 A.Reasons for the Necessity of Lending a Hand to Animals B.Suggestions on How to Protect Animals From Danger C.Effects of Human Interference on Dangerous Animals D.Opinions on Whether to Help Animals in Trouble or Not B)(1【答案】

A)(2 D)(3 B )(4【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了当动物们面临危险时,我们是否要伸出援救 之手,以及如何去保护它们脱险。

 (1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“The film crew were anxious when they saw that a

group of penguins had fallen into a gully and been trapped with their young. They built a slope(斜坡)so that a few of the penguins could save themselves.”和第三段中的“The case has

taken the international media by storm”可知,从峡谷中救出企鹅这一事件引起了大家的热 。B议。故选 (2)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“I'm so glad. I understand not taking action directly, but

a helping hand isn't bothering, right? viewer Kathryn Shaw said on her Facebook.”可知,她对帮 。A助动物是很赞成的,故选 (3)考查词义猜测。根据上文大家对干涉动物的行为有不同观点,再结合下文的“you stay

畯?景琠敨眠祡?癅湥眠敨?潹?犯?慷捴楨杮愠洠污?潰慬?敢牡攠瑡愠戠扡?敢牡尮可知,此句句意为:如果这是个捕食的情景,无论你是多么的心碎,你都不能干预。结合四个选项可知, 。DMaking one heartbroken(心碎)最合句意。故选此处用 (4)考查主旨大意。本文就救助企鹅的视频引发的热议讲述了当动物面临危险时,我们如何伸出援助之手给出了一些建议。因此,本文的最佳标题应为“若何保护动物脱险的建 。。故选B议” 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测,推理判断和主旨大意四个题型的考查,是一篇科教类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行 分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。

犇犇阅读理解2. In my memory, winters always used to be really unpleasant. You had to bundle up just to keep

warm when you went outside. You were often cold, wet, slip on the ice, and you'd arrive home to

an ice-cold house. And that would mean turning on the heating and waiting. It's a miracle you

didn't get cold to the bone. Fortunately, things don't have to be so challenging any more. Technology, engine ring and

design have advanced giving us new solutions to old problems. It means dealing with winter

needn't be like skating on thin ice. With a smart thermostat (温度自动调节器), our homes can be warm when we need them to

be. Many models feature smartphone apps that allow you to control temperature remotely, so

model Tado's arrive home. According to , can we warm up the house before we

features voice control, while the Nest 'leans' your habits and automatically heats the home for

you. Clothes have been given an upgrade, too. Electronic thermal jackets, sweaters and coats heat

up when you turn them on. What better way to keep warm in the dead of winter? At the touch of

a button, or through an app on our phones, the clothing generates heat from elements placed

inside. Many models offer three levels of heating which stay warm for over 12 hours. . Finally, there is the clothing for the head, beanie s and Earmuff, that feature speakers included

in the fabric using Bluetooth technology so we can listen to our favourite music or, in some cases,

have a phone callusing the in-built microphone. All while keeping the head warm and avoiding a

cold. For many, the thought of winter used to be enough to make their blood run cold. But using

technology, life needn't freeze up. With the right solutions, there's no reason why winter can't be

really, really cool. What do the underlined words undle up mean in Para.1? (1) D. Put on more clothes.C. Run a lot. A. Fix an air conditioner. B. Take a hot bath.

How does electronic thermal clothing work? )(2 A. The equipment placed inside the clothing produces heat. B. It needs to be warned up before being used. C. The thermostat heat up automatically when the temperature is low. D. It keeps warm for over 12 hours after being charged fox an hour. From the passage, we can lean the following statements EXCEPT that ________. )(3 A. Tado's model can be controlled by saying something to it B. with the in-built speaker and microphone, Beanies and Earmuffs users can have a phone call C. technology can do nothing to make winter less rough D. Bluetooth technology is used in the clothing for the head What's the best title of this passage? 4)( A. A Smart Thermostat B. A Modern winter D. An unpleasant winterC. Ways of keeping warm

D) (1【答案】 A)(2 C)(3 B 4)(【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,在科技并不发达的过去,人们可能会为如何在严寒天气里更好地保暖而倍感困扰。现如今,每到严冬时节,虽然温度骤降、天气恶劣,但随着各类智能保暖产品的问世,冬天也能变得舒适宜人。人们凭借科学技术发明了各式各样的防寒方法。比如,用智能电子设备调节屋内和衣物的温度;使用无线科技制造会自动发 热的服饰。

 (1)考查词义猜测。根据第一段中的In my memory, winters always used to be really


外出时要想暖和一些,就要多穿衣服。故判断出第1段中带下划线的单词undle 灵是多 。D穿点衣服。故选 (2)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的 At the touch of a button, or through an app on our

桰湯獥?桴?汣瑯楨杮朠湥牥瑡獥栠慥?牦浯攠敬敭瑮?汰捡摥椠獮摩?尠可知,只要按下按钮,或者 应用程序,安装在衣服内部的电子元件就会产生热量。所以电子保暖服装工通过手机上 。A作的原理是安装在衣服内部的电子元件产生热量。故选 (3)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的Fortunately, things don't have to be so challenging any

more. Technology, engine ring and design have advanced giving us new solutions to old

牰扯敬獭可知,幸运的是,事情不需要再这么有挑战性了。先进的技术、引擎环和设计为我们提供了解决老问题的新方法。所以C选项科技无法让冬天变得不那么难熬不符合短 。文说明的内容。故选C (4)考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,在科技并不发达的过去,人们可能会为如何在严寒天气里更好地保暖而倍感困扰。现如今,每到严冬时节,虽然温度骤降、天气恶劣,但随着各类智能保暖产品的问世,冬天也能变得舒适宜人。人们凭借科学技术发明了各式各样的防寒方法。比如,用智能电子设备调节屋内和衣物的温度;使用无线科技制造会自动发热的服饰。所以短文的最佳标题为让现代科技温暖你的冬日。故B选项让现代科技温暖 。符合题意。故选B你的冬日 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测和主旨大意三个题型的考查,是一篇科普类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推 理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。

3.犇犇Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have

just read.

Studies show that older people tend to remember the positive things in life rather than the

negative things, while younger people remember the positive and negative equally well. The

dominant psychological theory to explain this is that older people are aware of their limited time

left, so they prioritize positive emotional experiences. But about a decade ago, I worked with

biologist Robert Trivers on his idea that there was an evolutionary basis for older people's

increased positive outlook. Our research took us in the fascinating direction of exploring how the

body uses its energy. When our ancestors needed more energy than usual, perhaps while being chased by a tiger,

they had to get that energy from somewhere in the body. Could they borrow it from the brain?

That organ uses 20 percent of our metabolic (新陈代谢) output, whether we are solving math

problems or watching television reruns. Due to this constant energy requirement, borrowing

energy from the brain when our need surpasses the available supply is not an option. Perhaps we

could borrow energy from our muscles. Because we use far more muscle energy when we are

active than when at rest, in principle, we could borrow energy when we are sitting. But the

problem is that most of the energy-demanding emergencies of our ancestors required a muscular

response. There was no way to borrow energy from our muscles during an emergency because

relaxing when a tiger showed up was not an effective response. This brings us to our immune

the Like the brain, us from many illnesses and diseases. system, which, when strong, protects

immune system works at great metabolic cost, but largely in the service of keeping us healthy in

a our body, of immune cells coursing through number the future. We have an enormous

the one of body needs extra energy, when momentary break from production is fine. So, our

places it goes is our immune function. When you're being chased by a tiger, you don't need to

all shift you need is to fight making immune cells to off tomorrow's cold. What waste energy

available energy resources to your legs, with the hope that you will live to experience another

cough or sneeze. As a result, our immune system evolved to run in maximum amounts when we're happy, but to

that supposed in mind, Trivers dramatically when we're not. With this background down slow

older people evolved a strategy of turning this relationship on its head, becoming more focused

on the positive things in life in an effort to enhance their immune functioning. This was helped

along by their knowing much more about the world than younger adults, so they can deal with

some of the unpleasant things in life more easily. According to Robert Trivers, when our body needs extra energy, ______. )(1 A. muscles will respond to it by relaxing a little bit B. organs will speed up metabolic processes to answer it C. immune system will temporarily shut down to fulfill it D. brain will satisfy it by sharing optional metabolic output In paragraph 3 his relationship most probably refers to the one between ______. )(2 A. experiences and related knowledge B. happiness and biological evolution C. immune function and health D. optimism and length of life What can be concluded from Robert Trivers' study? )(3 A. Younger people adopt strategies of handling tense situations from everyday life. B. Our ancestors evolved their immune systems in fighting against fierce animals. C. Realizing that their days are numbered, older people prefer being positive. D. Being negative drains energy from our body, lowering resistance to disease. Which of the following is the best title of the passage? 4)( A. Brain, muscles and immune system B. Age, health and happiness D. Energy, effort and responseC. Ancestors, emergency and evolution

C) (1【答案】 D)(2 D3)( B 4)(【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,研究表明,老年人往往会记住生活中积极的事物,而不是消极的事物。十年前作者与生物学家罗伯特·特里弗斯合作研究身体是如何使用能量 的,他们的发现解释了这一现象。

 (1)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“We have an enormous number of immune cells

coursing through our body, a momentary break from production is fine. So, when our body needs

extra energy, one of the places it goes is our immune function.”可知我们的身体里有大量的免疫细胞,暂时停止运作是可以的。因此,当我们的身体需要额外的能量时,(我们的身

体)会去找免疫系统。由此可以推断,免疫系统会暂时停止来为身体提供额外的能量。选 。C (2)考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的 ecoming more focused on the positive things in life in

an effort to enhance their immune functioning. 可知老人们更加关注生活中积极的事物,是为了增强他们的免疫功能。也就是说积极与免疫功能之间有关系,越积极,免疫功能越 。DD项(乐观与寿命)之间最切题,故选强,就能活得越久,所有选项中 (3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的As a result, our immune system evolved to run in

慭楸畭?浡畯瑮?桷湥眠?犯?慨灰?戠瑵琠?汳睯搠睯?牤浡瑡捩污祬眠敨?敷?敲渠瑯尮可知当我们快乐时,我们的免疫系统进化到最大程度,但是当我们不快乐时,免疫系统会减弱。由 。此推断,消极会消耗我们身体的能量,降低对疾病的抵抗力。选D (4)考查主旨大意。作者开头提出老年人更关注积极的事情,后文提到积极的情绪会增 。强免疫系统,所以本文主要讲的是年龄,健康与积极的情绪之间的关系,选B 【点评】本题考点涉及推理判断,词义猜测和主旨大意三个题型的考查,是一篇科研类阅读,考生需要根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答 案。

阅读理解4. Learning, Fast and Deep Over the past five years researchers in artificial intelligence have become the rock stars of the

technology world. A branch of AI known as deep learning, which uses neural(神经的) networks to

scan through large volumes of data looking for patterns, has proven so useful that skilled

practitioners can command high six-figure salaries to build software for Amazon, Apple, Facebook

and Google.

The standard route into these jobs has been a PhD in computer science from one of America's

top universities. Earning one takes years and requires a personality suited to academia, which is

rare among more normal folk. That is changing. Last month fast.ai, a non-profit education organization based in San Francisco, kicked off the

third year of its course in deep learning. Since its foundation it has attracted more than 100, 000

students around the globe from India to Nigeria. The course and others like it, come with a

simple idea: there is no need to spend years obtaining a PhD in order to practise deep learning.

Creating software that learns can be taught as a craft, not as a high intellectual pursuit to be

undertaken only in an ivory tower. Fast. ai's course can be completed in just seven weeks.of

aim the is software AI build to how learn to wants who anyone to accessible it make To

school says with Jeremy Howard, who founded fast.ai Rachel Thomas, a mathematician. He

mathematics is sufficient. No. Greek. Letters, Mr. Howard intones, pounding the table with his

fist for punctuation. Some experts worry that this will serve only to create a flood of unreliable AI systems which

will be useless at best and dangerous at worst. In the earliest days of the Internet, only a select

few nerds, namely computer holies with specific skills, could build applications. Not many people

used them. Then the invention of the World Wide Web led to an explosion of web pages, both

good and bad. But it was only by opening up to all that the Internet gave birth to online shopping,

instant global communications and search. If Mr. Howard and others have their way, making the

development of AI software easier will bring forth a new crop of fruit of a different kind. What can we learn about deep learning? (1) B. It attracts rock stars to practice.A. It replaces artificial intelligence.

D. It helps technicians to create software.C. It scans patterns for large companies.

Fast. ai is an organization that . 2)( B. teaches craft in ivory towerA. ensures one to obtain a PhD

D. requires weeks to applyC. offers a course in deep learning

The underlined words No. Greek. Lettersin Paragraph 5 means doing fast.ai course is . 3)( A. easy B. difficult C. interesting D. boring It can be inferred from the last paragraph that . 4)( A. it is quite reliable for anyone to grasp artificial intelligence B. the Internet has brought forth a flood of useless AI systems C. opening up to all leads to instant global search and online shopping D. simplifying software development may result in unexpected outcomes D) (1【答案】 C)(2 A)(3 D )(4【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,人工智能的深度学习被证明很有用,霍华德和数学 家托马斯一起创办的非营利性教育机构致力于让深度学习变得简单。

 (1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的”A branch of AI known as deep learning, which uses

neural networks to scan through large volumes of data looking for patterns…build software for

Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google.“可知AI技术的一个分支、运用神经网络处理大量数据并从中寻找模式的深度学习被证明非常有用,亚马逊、苹果、Facebook和谷歌愿意开出 。D六位数高薪,聘请熟练的专业人员编写软件。这说明深度学习能帮助编写软件,故选 (2)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的”Last month fast. ai, a non-profit education organization

based in San Francisco, kicked off the third year of its course in deep learning.“可知。上月,位于旧金山的非营利性教育机构 fast.ai 进入了它开办深度学习课程的第三年。也就是说fast.

。是一个提供深度学习课程的组织,故选aiC (3)考查句义猜测。根据五段中的”To make it accessible to anyone who wants to learn …He

霍华德的目标,为·可知让深度学习不再神秘是杰里米sufficient.“is mathematics school says

软件的人都能学习,让任何想学习编写AI此,他和数学家雷切尔·托马斯一起创立了fast.ai的课程很简单,仅需要中学这门技术。霍华德说有中学数学知识就足够了。这说明fast.ai的深度学习fast, ai没有,希腊,字母“是想说数学知识。因此霍华德说No. Greek. Letters” 。A课程很简单。故选”If Mr Howard and others have their way, making the 4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的 (如果霍development of AI software easier will bring forth a new crop of fruit of a different kind. “软件开发变得更容易将会催生出一批新的不同的果实。华德和其他人如愿以偿,那么让AI 。D由此推断简化软件开发可能会导致意料之外的结果。故选【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,句义猜测和推理判断三个题型的考查,是一篇科研类阅

读,要求考生准确掌握细节信息,同时根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,从而选 出正确答案。

5.阅读理解 Like many other people who speak more than one language, I often have the sense that I'm a

in relaxed in English, more of my languages-more confident different slightly person in each

moral my these differences, it possible that, along with emotional French, more in Czech. Is

) also points in somewhat different directions depending on the language I'm 指南针compass ( using at the time? Psychologists who study moral judgments have become very interested in this question. The

), 困境findings of several recent studies suggest that when people are faced with moral dilemmas (they do indeed respond differently when considering them in a foreign language than when using

their native tongue. volunteers were presented with a moral dilemma known In a 2014 paper led by Albert Costa

as the rolley problem: imagine that a runaway trolley is moving quickly toward a group of five

people standing on the tracks, unable to move. You are next to a switch that can move the trolley

to a different set of tracks, therefore sparing the five people, but resulting in the death of one

who is standing on the side tracks. Do you pull the switch? Most people agree that they would. But what if the only way to stop the trolley is by pushing a

large stranger off a footbridge into its path? People tend to be very hesitant to say they would do

his Costa and to save five. But though in both situations, one person is sacrificed this, even

a as learned that volunteers had that presenting the dilemma in a language colleagues found

off person push the sacrificial tongue dramatically increased their stated willingness to foreign

the footbridge, from fewer than 20% of respondents working in their native language to about

50% of those using the foreign one.one? a or foreign in our native language we Why does it matter whether judge morality

of competing ways two separate and judgments According to one explanation, such involve

the about careful deliberation and quick, natural

eeling, the other, a thinking-one of these,

greatest good for the greatest number. When we use a foreign language, we unconsciously sink

into the more careful way simply because the effort of operating in our non-native language

) system to prepare for difficult activity.signals our cognitive (认知的tongues

foreign and native between arise differences that is explanation alternative An

because our childhood languages are filled with greater emotions than are those learned in more

academic settings. As a result, moral judgments made in a foreign language are less filled with

the emotional reactions that surface when we use a language learned in childhood.and connects a language with the experiences strong There's evidence that memo