
3937国开电大人文英语2历年期末考试(第二题词汇语法)题库(排序考试版) __________pity you missed the lecture agam ![2020年9月试题] [答案]What a A car accident may happen when you__________a parking space.[2019年1月试题] A car accident may happen when you__________a parking space.[2019年7月试题] [答案]are looking for A cover letter is a letter of introduction________along with a resume or curriculum vitae(CV).[2018年1月试题] [答案]sent A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been__________for him.[2019年7月试题] A double room with a balcony overlooking these a had been__________for him.[2020年1月试题] A double room with a balcony overlooking these a had been__________for him.[2020年7月试题] [答案]reserved A successful cover letter will make a great__________.[2019年1月试题] A successful cover letter will make a great__________.[2019年7月试题] A successful cover letter will make a great__________.[2020年1月试题] A successful cover letter will make a great__________.[2020年7月试题] [答案]impression As long as the learners have__________to a digital device which is linked up to the Internet, they can enjoy browsing pages or watching video lectures.[2018年7月试题] As long as the learners have__________to a digital device which is linked up to the Internet, they can enjoy browsing pages or watching video lectures.[2019年7月试题] As long as the learners have __________to a digital device which is linked up to the Internet, they can enjoy browsing pages or watching video lectures.[2020年9月试题] [答案]access As one of family members, Lisa also pays a__________of the rent, electricity and phone bills.[2019年7月试题] [答案]share As you area prominent figure in the community, we__________by your attendance.[2018年7月试题] [答案]would be honored At the presentation, there will be several students__________recognition awards from the headmaster.[2019年1月试题] [答案]receiving 一Have you__________to Beijing?[2020年1月试题] 一Have you__________to Beijing?[2020年7月试题] 一Yes, I have. [答案]been He speaks German, but his native__________is French.[2019年7月试题] He speaks German, but his native__________is French.[2020年9月试题] [答案]tongue He speaks Russian,but his native__________is French.[2019年1月试题] [答案]tongue I don't regret__________the concert yesterday because of my baby's first birthday.[2019年7月试题] [答案]missing I should__________Alex this morning, but I forgot.[2019年7月试题] I should__________Alex this morning, but I forgot.[2020年9月试题] [答案]have phoned I think I am__________for this position.[2018年7月试题] I think I am__________for this pos1tion.[2020年9月试题] [答案]competent I wonder if you________the professor to practice interviewing with me in advance.[2018年1月试题] [答案]could act as If I__________the headmaster, I would make the same dec1s10n.[2020年9月试题] [答案]were If I__________the mayor of the city, I would introduce severe punishment crimes.[2020年1月试题] If I__________the mayor of the city, I would introduce severe punishment crimes.[2020年7月试题] [答案]were If I__________the mayor of the city, I would introduce severe punishment for crimes.[2019年7月试题] If I__________the mayor of the city, I would introduce severe punishment for crimes.[2019年1月试题] If I__________the mayor of the city, I would introduce severe punishment for crimes.[2018年1月试题] [答案]were If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please notify us__________.[2018年7月试题] If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please notify us__________.[2019年1月试题] If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please notify us__________.[2020年9月试题] [答案]in advance If you take the__________to learn a new skill, you will grasp it quickly.[2019年7月试题] If you take the__________to learn a new skill,you will grasp it quickly.[2018年7月试题] [答案]initiative I'm__________because there are so many options,I can't make a decision.[2018年7月试题] I'm__________because there are so many options. I can't make a decision.[2019年7月试题] I'm__________because there are so many options. I can't make a decision.[2020年1月试题] I'm__________because there are so many options. I can't make a decision.[2020年7月试题] [答案]puzzled In doing so, they have opportunities to learn from professors.They__________would not be able to access.[2020年1月试题] In doing so, they have opportunities to learn from professors.They__________would not be able to access.[2020年7月试题] [答案]otherwise John doesn't regret__________the football match yesterday because of his baby's first birthday.[2018年7月试题] John doesn't regret__________the football match yesterday because of his baby's first birthday.[2020年9月试题] [答案]missing Keep an eye for your belongings in the bus station________they might be stolen by thieves.[2018年1月试题] [答案]in case Many students at__________school on a project which relates to the unemployment problem for a month.[2018年1月试题] Many students at__________school on a project which relates to the unemployment problem for a month.[2020年1月试题] Many students at__________school on a project which relates to the unemployment problem for a month.[2020年7月试题] [答案]have worked Mary's talking to the lawyer about her competitor who__________on her trademark.[2018年7月试题] [答案]is infringing Relationships and friendships can________gangs.[2018年1月试题] [答案]lead to Surfing on the Internet has almost become a matter of__________. [2019年1月试题] [答案]routine The Chinese Red Cross contributed a__________sum to the relief of the physically disabled.[2019年7月试题] The Chinese Red Cross contributed a__________sum to the relief of the physically disabled.[2018年7月试题] The Chinese Red Cross contributed a__________sum to the relief of the physically disabled.[2020年9月试题] [答案]generous The cover letter will be seen first.__________,it must be very well written.[2019年1月试题] The cover letter will be seen first.__________, it must be very well written.[2019年7月试题] The cover letter will be seen first.__________,it must be very well written.[2020年1月试题] The cover letter will be seen first.__________,it must be very well written.[2020年7月试题] The cover letter will be seen first.__________, it must be very well written.[2020年9月试题] [答案]Therefore The drivers truck and seriously injured the pedestrian, and left the__________victim in the roadway without even stopping to help.[2018年7月试题] [答案]lying The global network__________by a single leak.[2020年9月试题] The global network__________by a single leak.[2018年1月试题] [答案]can be destroyed The mother__________her daughter for 2 hours.[2020年1月试题] The mother__________her daughter for 2 hours.[2020年7月试题] [答案]has been looking for The police officer is determining who is going to be responsible__________the traffic accident.[2019年1月试题] [答案]for There must be something wrong with my computer,__________there?[2019年1月试题] [答案]isn't There__________some milk, some eggs and a few apples on the table.[2018年7月试题] There__________some milk, some eggs and a few apples on the table.[2020年1月试题] There__________some milk, some eggs and a few apples on the table.[2020年7月试题] [答案]is There__________some water left m the bottle.[2020年9月试题] [答案]is There________still two hundred dollars more to pay.[2018年1月试题] [答案]is There's still along way to go for__________global internet security rules and regulations.[2019年1月试题] [答案]unified There's__________strange about you.That's all right.[2018年7月试题] There's__________strange about you.That's all right.[2020年1月试题] There's__________strange about you.That's all right.[2020年7月试题] [答案]nothing These MOOCs make it possible for people to__________their learning any place around the world.[2020年9月试题] These MOOCs make it possible for people to__________their learning anyplace around the world.[2018年7月试题] [答案]carry out They found all the guests__________when they woke up.[2018年1月试题] They found all the guests__________when they woke up.[2020年1月试题] They found all the guests__________when they woke up.[2020年7月试题] [答案]gone They have opportunities to learn from professors they would________not be able to access.[2018年1月试题] [答案]otherwise This speech is particularly lovely because the wisdom she shares about life,marriage and family________from her heart.[2018年1月试题] [答案]comes This time tomorrow you__________in the court for the trademark case.[2019年1月试题] [答案]will be standing We can file an action in the district court and________an injunction against your competitor.[2018年1月试题] [答案]move for We have to collect enough evidence__________that we have suffered a lot of damages.[2018年7月试题] [答案]to show We hope the driver in this case is arrested and__________justice.[2019年1月试题] [答案]brought to We look forward to__________to his wedding ceremony.[2019年7月试题] We look forward to__________to his wedding ceremony.[2020年9月试题] [答案]coming We should provide useful information for the police no matter whether there is a________or not.[2018年1月试题] [答案]reward When we heard of it, we were deeply__________.[2018年7月试题] [答案]moved Why not__________yourself a bit while you work?[2020年1月试题] Why not__________yourself a bit while you work?[2020年7月试题] [答案]enjoy Will the AIDS patients benefit________the new drug?[2018年1月试题] [答案]from You blame me for that,__________?[2020年1月试题] You blame me for that,__________?[2020年7月试题] [答案]don't you You can bring along some bottles of wine, or some chocolates, or a________of flowers.[2018年1月试题] [答案]bunch You can meet people__________can possibly help you find a paid job later on.[2019年1月试题] You can meet people__________can possibly help you find a paid job later on.[2020年1月试题] You can meet people__________can possibly help you find a paid job later on.[2020年7月试题] [答案]who You should stop __________others down and learn from them.[2019年7月试题] You should stop __________others down and learn from them.[2020年9月试题] [答案]putting Your background is__________to the position you are seeking.[2019年1月试题] [答案]relevant